Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Don't Worry Though, Climate Change is Just a Theory

I spend most of my time here talking about our individual, personal health and well being. But what good is that if we make our planet sick?

"Our planet is rapidly changing, and what we are witnessing is unlike anything that has occurred in human, or even geological, history. The heat-trapping nature of CO2 and methane, both greenhouse gases, has been scientific fact for decades, and according to NASA, “no question that increased levels of greenhouse gases must cause the Earth to warm in response”. Evidence shows that greenhouse gas emissions are causing the Earth to warm 10 times faster than it should, and the ramifications of this are being felt, quite literally, throughout the entire biosphere.

Oceans are warming at unprecedented rates, droughts and wildfires of increasing severity and frequency are altering forests around the globe, and the Earth’s cryosphere – the parts of the Earth so cold that water is frozen into ice or snow – is melting at an ever-accelerating rate. The subsea permafrost in the Arctic is thawing, and we could experience a methane “burp” of previously trapped gas at any moment, causing the equivalent of several times the total amount of CO2 humans have emitted to be released into the atmosphere. The results would be catastrophic.

Climate disruption also brings with it extreme weather such as hurricanes and floods. For instance, a warmer atmosphere holds more moisture, leading to an increase in the frequency of severe major rain events, such as Hurricane Harvey over Houston in summer 2017, which dropped so much rain that the weight of the water actually caused the Earth’s crust to sink by 2cm.

Earth has not seen current atmospheric CO2 levels since the Pliocene epoch, some 3m years ago. Three-quarters of that CO2 will still be here in 500 years. It takes a decade to experience the full warming effects of CO2 emissions. Even if we stopped all greenhouse gas emissions, it would take another 25,000 years for most of what is currently in the atmosphere to be absorbed into the oceans.
Climate disruption is progressing faster than ever, and faster than predicted. Seventeen of the 18 hottest years ever recorded have occurred since 2001. The distress signals from our overheated planet are all around us, with reports, studies and warnings increasing daily. Worst-case prediction made by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change about the rise in temperatures, extreme weather, sea levels and CO2 levels in the atmosphere have fallen short of reality. Countless glaciers, rivers, lakes, forests and species are already vanishing at a pace never seen before, and all of this from increasing the global mean temperature by “only” 1C above the preindustrial baseline. Some scientists predict it could rise by as much as 10C by 2100. A study led by James Hansen, the former director of Nasa’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, warned that the rise we have seen so far has already caused unstoppable melting in both the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets.

Mountaineering in today’s climate-disrupted world is a vastly different endeavour from what it used to be. Glaciers are vanishing before our eyes, having shrunk to the lowest levels ever recorded, and are now melting faster than ever. Seventy per cent of the glaciers in western Canada are projected to be gone by 2100. Montana’s Glacier National Park will most likely not have any active glaciers by 2030. The Matanuska Glacier’s ancient ice is already rapidly vanishing. Dramatic changes are occurring even in the planet’s highest and coldest places. Even Mount Everest is transforming, as thousands of glaciers across the Himalayas are likely to shrink by up to 99% by 2100. A child born today will see an Everest largely free of glaciers within their lifetime."

- Dahr Jamail, Reporter

Monday, January 7, 2019

TV Drug Ads: Caveat Emptor

Television ads for prescription drugs - you know the ones: happy people living full active lives because they take some pill and then all the warnings read in 3 seconds at the end - are so ubiquitous and silly that they are increasingly the butt of jokes. But suppose the commercial addresses a health concern that you deal with or are concerned about? Can you rely on what you are being told by Big Pharma's Big Marketing department?

The first thing to remember is that there is very little education in a TV drug ad. They are not designed to give you the facts but to appeal to your emotions and motivate you to go and ask your doctor to prescribe their drug for you. Companies are required by law to disclose risks and side effects associated with the drug. But they cram the disclosure in at the end and read it so fast that does anyone ever really hear it? Not only that, but the amount of time devoted to disclosing these issues has dropped from 26% to 16% since 2016. In other words, you are given almost no opportunity to hear and understand the risks, let alone remember them. And this is deliberate.

Here are some things that you can do to protect yourself from this misleading and deceptive advertising:

Be Very, Very Skeptical

The legal risk of outright lies is probably enough to ensure that these commercials contain none. But remember there is an entire industry devoted to manipulating your desires and emotions and these ads do so powerfully. Pay attention and be especially aware of whether you are being given facts or just watching happy people being happy. At best these ads only offer some of the information you would need to make a good choice for yourself.

Do Your Own Research

Don't rely on the information presented in a commercial to guide your decision. Look into it yourself and use a more reliable source than a pharmaceutical company's marketing department. A good place to begin is on the National Institutes of Health's drug information page: DrugInfo.nlm.nih.gov/drugportal .

Enlist Your Doctor and/or Pharmacist

In order to pay the enormous cost of television advertising, most drug companies have cut back on the number of direct sales reps and educational support that they provide to doctors. Some doctors may have little more information than the same TV commercial you saw. Still your doctor is familiar with your health condition and is in a position to provide you with additional information and advice.

Don't forget about your pharmacist. He or she is an expert on drugs and is far more likely than your doctor to be up to date on the latest developments in pharmacy, as well as any potential risks, side effects or interactions with drugs you may already be taking. Ask. Few do and the pharmacist is very happy to help.

And don't lose sight of this very important consideration - your diet, exercise routines and emotional health can often make a bigger difference, more safely, than any drug. Don't expect a TV drug commercial to highlight this inconvenient fact.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Welcome to 2019

Hard as it may be to believe, another year has gotten behind us and taken its place in history. This is the time of year when we all become like the Roman God Janus, looking forward and backward at the same time. Considering our accomplishments, seeing where we fell short and making our heartfelt resolutions for where and how we will do better in the year to come.

I once heard Tony Robbins speak about New Year's resolutions. It is pretty clear that he is not a fan. The calendar, he said, makes every new year seem like a new start, but its not. We are exactly the same person on January 1st as we were on December 31st. Nothing much changes, because we do not change much.

Here is what he suggests you do if you really want to change something in your life, whether on New Year's Day or any other day of the year that you are ready to get serious about it.

1. Choose an area of your life (just one) where you truly want to make a change. Be honest with yourself. You have to really want to change in this area, not simply think that you should. Describe (writing it down is best) exactly what that area of your life is like for you now. No one else is going to see this, so be 100% honest.

2. Write a list of the habits, routines and rituals that you have that are shaping the current conditions in this area for you. Give this part some thought, it is important.

3. Write down exactly what it is that you want to be different. Be very specific. This should be an emotionally engaging vision of what you want this area of your life to be like. How it WILL be for you. Why do you want it? How will your life be different when you have it?

4. Now write down the new habits, routines and rituals that, if you incorporate them into you life, cannot help but create the changes and bring about the results that you want. What, exactly, do you need to do differently EVERY day in order to have what you want?

5. Begin incorporating these new habits into your day. This is where the work is. It will not be easy. That is an understatement. Your old routines and rituals will not give up easily and they have great power over you. Start small, with a few new rituals, and stay with them no matter what. Your momentum will build with each success and you can add more later.

The only resolution that you need for the new year is to act with integrity. To keep your word. Every time. Without exception. You CAN change your life. Or just those parts of it that you want to change. Your health, your career, your relationships, your happiness, your outlook. But to do so you simply MUST be able to depend on yourself. Your word must be your non-negotiable principle.

For me, I am committing to being a person of my word for 2019. That is it. Just that. I may not say that I will do something and that's fine. But if I do say that I will complete some task, be at some event, show up somewhere at a certain time, then I am going to do that. No more excuses for me. If I say it, I mean it.

I will keep you posted on how it goes.